We Inspire Children

We engage children through mentorship. Our idea of mentorship blends the Socio-Emotional framework and the Positive Youth Development framework together which forms our fundamental approach to teaching and learning. It encompasses a multitude of interconnected and integrated programs that serve to raise competencies, build character and develop skills. With community support, spirit and care, we get to build lasting, meaningful relationships with the children to ensure that they learn and benefit in a fluid, coherent ecosystem.

250 children/youths engaged

338 mentorship sessions held

3 Camps conducted


Smart Learners

Join us as we engage students weekly to help reinforce their understanding of subjects learnt in a fun and engaging manner. We see ourselves as complementing the school’s role. Through partnering with universities as well as social organisations, we aim to help kids rebuild a passion for school and learning while at the same time imparting critical study skills.

Play & Learn

Join us in our journey to help our lower primary children learn about values and discover new skills through play! Here we organize fun activities as well as engaging camps to facilitate learning. Through this, we hope to actively facilitate social mixing across people of different abilities as well.




A play on Singapore’s SkillsFuture initiative, SkillsPresent aims to inculcate skills in our upper primary children - it’s our present to them. We try our best to understand the unique strengths and interests of every child. We then create tailored projects to help them strengthen their passions, learn new skills, and gain greater confidence in being the brilliant children that they are.

Sports Sundays

Join us as we engage kids in different physical activities as they learn more about teamwork, leadership and Self.


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